Sustainability Undergraduate Certificate Curriculum for Students Declaring Prior to Fall 2024

Students declaring the certificate in fall 2024 or later should view the current credit requirements

Certificate Requirements

  • A 2.00 GPA in the certificate
  • 12 credits of coursework, 3 credits from each of the four main categories below
  • 1 credit in ENVIR ST 398: Independent Study: Sustainability Community Engagement for a sustainability-related community service project or 2 credits in ENVIR ST 317: Community Environmental Scholars Program Seminar
  • Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not count toward the certificate

Students may request to substitute a course listed as a “multidimensional course” for a course in the economic, social or environmental category. Requests can be granted to the extent that the student’s proposed course portfolio still covers all four dimensions of the certificate’s curriculum.

Students may also request to substitute a listed course with a sustainability related course that is currently not listed. Such a request requires that the student submits a written explanation how the substitute course meets the learning outcomes of the certificate and assists the student in reaching their individual goals for taking the certificate. Please also submit a syllabus of the substitute class.

All substitution requests require approval and should be submitted to


Course availability may vary by semester. Students, please check Course Search & Enroll for the latest course offerings; others can use Public Course Search & Enroll.

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Environmental Dimension

Select a minimum of 3 credits

Social Dimension

Select a minimum of 3 credits

Economic Dimension

Select a minimum of 3 credits

Systems Dimension

Select a minimum of 3 credits

Community Engagement

ENVIR ST 398: Independent Study: Sustainability Community Engagement, 1 credit, or 2 credits in ENVIR ST 317: Community Environmental Scholars Program Seminar

Multidimensional and Cross-Topics Courses

Can request to use maximum of 3 credits to substitute for 3 credits from the economic, social or environmental category. This requires special permission and is only allowed if the student’s course portfolio will still cover all four dimensions of the certificate’s curriculum. Exceptions are not allowed for the systems category.

Department Course Title Credits geBLC* Semester
ENVIR ST, SOIL SCI 101 Forum on the Environment 2 __WEC Spring
ENVIR ST 117 GreenHouse Roots Seminar 1 ___EC Fall
LAND ARC 211 Shaping the Built Environment 3 __NEC Spring
HORT, PL PATH 261 Sustainable Turfgrass Use and Management 2 Fall
ED POL 320 Climate Change, Sustainability, and Education 3 __WIC Fall, Spring
ENVIR ST, GEOG 333 Green Urbanism 3 __SIC Spring
A A E, AGRONOMY, HORT, PL PATH 367 Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy 3 __BEC Spring
ENVIR ST, BSE 367 Renewable Energy Systems 3 __PIC Fall, Spring, Summer
LAND ARC 373 Mindfulness in Restorative Environments 3 __HIC Fall
CURRIC, C&E SOC, ENVIR ST 405 Education for Sustainable Communities 3 __SIC Spring
ENVIR ST 417 Sustainability Science, Technology and Policy 1 __NIC Fall, Spring
DY SCI, AGRONOMY 471 Food Production Systems and Sustainability 3 __YAC
DY SCI, AN SCI, FOOD SCI, SOIL SCI 472 Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development 1
CIV ENGR 495 Sustainable Building and Materials 3 Spring
CIV ENGR 525 Case Studies Exploring Infrastructure Sustainability and Climate Change 3 Fall
URB R PL 551 Climate Action Planning: Sustainable Transportation 3 ___AC Spring
LAND ARC 563 Designing Sustainable and Resilient Regions 4 ___AC Fall

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