Sustainability Undergraduate Certificate Curriculum

Certificate Requirements

  • A 2.00 GPA in the certificate
  • 15 credits of coursework, including:
    • At least 2 credits from each of the four main categories below
    • 1 credit in ENVIR ST 398: Independent Study: Sustainability Community Engagement for a sustainability-related community service project or 2 credits in ENVIR ST 317: Community Environmental Scholars Program Seminar
    • For students declaring the certificate prior to fall 2024, see credit requirements
  • Courses taken on a pass/fail basis will not count toward the certificate


Course availability may vary by semester. Students, please check Course Search & Enroll for the latest course offerings; others can use Public Course Search & Enroll.

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Environmental Dimension

Select a minimum of 2 credits

Social Dimension

Select a minimum of 2 credits

Economic Dimension

Select a minimum of 2 credits

Systems Dimension

Select a minimum of 2 credits

Community Engagement

ENVIR ST 398: Independent Study: Sustainability Community Engagement, 1 credit, or 2 credits in ENVIR ST 317: Community Environmental Scholars Program Seminar

Multidimensional and Cross-Topics Courses

Additional coursework that may be used to attain 15 credits in the certificate.

Department Course Title Credits geBLC* Semester
ENVIR ST, SOIL SCI 101 Forum on the Environment 2 __WEC Spring
ENVIR ST 117 GreenHouse Roots Seminar 1 ___EC Fall
LAND ARC 211 Shaping the Built Environment 3 __NEC Spring
HORT, PL PATH 261 Sustainable Turfgrass Use and Management 2 Fall
ED POL 320 Climate Change, Sustainability, and Education 3 __WIC Fall, Spring
ENVIR ST, GEOG 333 Green Urbanism 3 __SIC Spring
A A E, AGRONOMY, HORT, PL PATH 367 Introduction to Organic Agriculture: Production, Markets, and Policy 3 __BEC Spring
ENVIR ST, BSE 367 Renewable Energy Systems 3 __PIC Fall, Spring, Summer
LAND ARC 373 Mindfulness in Restorative Environments 3 __HIC Fall
CURRIC, C&E SOC, ENVIR ST 405 Education for Sustainable Communities 3 __SIC Spring
ENVIR ST 417 Sustainability Science, Technology and Policy 1 __NIC Fall, Spring
DY SCI, AGRONOMY 471 Food Production Systems and Sustainability 3 __YAC
DY SCI, AN SCI, FOOD SCI, SOIL SCI 472 Animal Agriculture and Global Sustainable Development 1
CIV ENGR 495 Sustainable Building and Materials 3 Spring
CIV ENGR 525 Case Studies Exploring Infrastructure Sustainability and Climate Change 3 Fall
URB R PL 551 Climate Action Planning: Sustainable Transportation 3 ___AC Spring
LAND ARC 563 Designing Sustainable and Resilient Regions 4 ___AC Fall

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