Government agencies, such as the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the USGS, upload their data to online platforms. Links to these databases are provided along with a brief description for accessing data from Green Lake watershed stations.
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Aquatic Invasive Species
The Green Lake Sanitary District has monitored how much carp is annually removed from Green Lake since the late 1990’s. High densities of carp disturb the shallow wetlands draining into Green Lake. This file was updated July 2016. Contact GLSD if more current data is needed. Read carp removal numbers.
In the summer of 2016, GLSD also set up a Fyke Net in K Estuary to monitor for carp. This data shows the mix of game fish and carp pulled from the net in May and June of 2016. Read carp netting data.
The Green Lake Sanitary District does Aqweed Harvesting and has kept records since the late 1970’s on locations and amounts of aquatic vegetation removed. This file has data from 1979-2015. Contact GLSD if more current data is needed. Read harvesting data.
DNR’s Dave Bolha monitors streams throughout the Green Lake watershed with the help of Water Action Volunteers. They work together gathering data on stream habitat characteristics, fish and macroinvertebrate (insect) populations, and water quality measures such as phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, and pH levels. Data is uploaded to the DNR Surface Water Data Viewer and SWIMS database for public access. This data is then analyzed to develop monitoring reports and to make recommendations concerning impaired waters listings. WAV reports are available under the Documents & Grants tab.
This dataset, compiled by Dr. Robert Pillsbury, contains aquatic vegetation surveys from 1921, 1971, 1981, 1991, and 2001. The data from 1921 and 1971 are summarized in these publications which also include the map of sample locations. Read sample locations data.
Water Quality
The USGS monitors the hydrology and water quality of Green Lake and its tributaries. Sample locations include two sites within the lake and three places along tributaries. During the summer, USGS monitors conditions such as nutrient concentrations, dissolved oxygen, and water temperature within the lake. At the tributary stations, nutrients, suspended sediments, and streamflow are monitored.
DNR monitors water quality and compiles data with the help of Citizen Lake Monitoring. Volunteers measure water clarity and collect chemistry, temperature, and dissolved oxygen data. Check out the reports for County K Marsh, Green Lake – East Basin, Green Lake – East End Basin – Deep Hole (USGS), Green Lake – Mid Lake, Green Lake – West Basin, and Green Lake – West Basin Deep Hole (USGS).
The Green Lake Sanitary District has monitored water quality at beaches along Green Lake since the late 1980’s. They monitor temperature, bacteria levels, and take Secchi disk readings. This file was updated July 2016. Contact GLSD if more current data is needed. Read beach sampling data.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides access to data from weather stations. Find a weather station close to the Green Lake watershed and download recorders of temperature and precipitation.
The Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network is a volunteer rain/snow measuring program. Stations near Green Lake record daily precipitation. See station locations.
Weather Underground also has stations in the watershed. This site shows current weather conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.) and weather history over a specified time period.