If you get the chance to chat with Curt Meine, the man who’s become more or less synonymous with Aldo Leopold, you may be inclined to pepper him with “What would Leopold think about…” questions.
The Commons
Listen Up!
Summer may be winding down, but there’s still time to squeeze in one last vacation.
Trip Distance: 3.24 Cheeseburgers
A more digestible CO2 calculator swaps cheeseburgers for carbon.
Green Thumb, Green Office
The forecast had predicted rain, but blue skies prevailed as two dozen Nelson Institute staff members tromped through the paths at Troy Community Gardens, snacking on wild blackcap raspberries along the way.
We’re Not in Madison Anymore
Emily Johnson spent the spring semester in Scandinavia as a Global Gateway Fellow.
Nelson Institute Announces 2024 Alumni Award Winners
More than 6,000 Nelson Institute alumni work in government, business, and nonprofit organizations, applying their knowledge and skills to make the world a better and more sustainable place.
Healthy World, Healthy Womb
Would you choose to have kids if you knew they would be born into an environment riddled with toxic pollution, subjecting them to poor health throughout their lives?
Your Summer Reading List
In the fall semester, two distinct Nelson Institute’s research centers came together over books.
Farm-Bred and Future-Focused
On paper, Alayne Kulp seems to capture a typical Wisconsinite.
Grew up on a dairy farm? Check. Loves a good cocktail? Check. Friendly, hardworking, and down-to-earth? Check, check, and check.
Predicting the Future with Feng He
Step right up, folks, and meet a climate psychic!
Feng He is a senior scientist within the Nelson Institute’s Center for Climatic Research (CCR) where he uses past climate data to make informed predictions about future projections.
Extra! Extra!
What can it mean when people talk about the environment in their artwork?
Four Things You Didn’t Know about Climate Anxiety
If you’re reading this article, chances are you care about the environment. And if you care about the environment, you’ve probably felt some level of anxiety about our future as a species and a planet.
Groundwater on the Rocks
New research will map naturally occurring contaminants in public wells across Wisconsin.
Carbon Content in Construction Materials
WICCI infrastructure working group cochairs discuss the lesser known culprits of greenhouse gas emissions: the making of construction materials.
The Race to Capture Carbon
UW–Madison faculty and students coauthored a landmark report on carbon dioxide removal.
Mission Report: U.S. Army Environmental Management
In the weeks following spring graduation, UW–Madison lulls. Dorms vacate, crosswalks idle, and classrooms empty. All is quiet on the campus front, but in Science Hall room 110, a group of 20-some folks gathered over a shared mission: learning tactics to help maintain stability in environments facing human conflict.
Creating Effective Outreach
Nelson-led research on effective community-centered environmental outreach informs UW Arboretum programs.
The Storytelling Side of Science
Surrounded by mangoes, Nyal Mueenuddin remembers his childhood as fun, sweet, and sticky.
The Intersection Between Storytelling and Science
Nina Delgadillo translates her experience at the Office of Sustainability to the Milwaukee Water Commons.
Resilient Problem-Solvers, Fearless Dreamers
Christopher Caldwell tells graduating UW–Green Bay students to embrace “adaptation in the face of adversity” during commencement address.
Watershed Management and Words of Motivation
If you asked Ken Genskow for advice on watershed planning and management, he would tell you to always anticipate change.
Sustaining Students to Sustain the Environment
If you were on campus last fall you likely received this email asking you to participate in a campuswide sustainability survey.
The Highs, Lows, and Woahs of Earth Fest 2024
If you were on the UW–Madison campus April 19–26, you probably noticed that every person you passed was on their way to an Earth Fest event.
A Round of Applause and Awards
As the spring semester comes to a close, so does a semester’s worth of academic awards.
Welcome to Your (Urban) Planning Future
Municipal experiences enhance Shealynn Wegner’s academic experiences.