Top Podcasts in Earth Observation

Whether you're new to remote sensing or well-versed in geospatial topics, you'll find something to like in these audio delights.

There is no shortage of ways to learn about a topic, and Earth observation is no different! Thanks to scientists and professionals around the world, there are many podcasts covering topics on remote sensing data, cloud computing, open-source software, and career advice.

Here are a few of our favorite Earth observation podcasts. They range in topics from more focused remote sensing research topics to broad geospatial data and applications. We have highlighted specific episodes on topics from the basics of remote sensing and satellites to how AI methods apply to image analysis.

Graphic showing that the MapScaping and Scene from Above podcasts are geared toward broad geospatial topics, while Eyes on Earth and Down to Earth focus more on remote sensing

Eyes on Earth

The Eyes on Earth podcast from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) highlights not only the science applications of satellite data, but also the contributions of the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center and the scientists who make access to satellite data possible.

Recommended Episodes

New to remote sensing:

For data lovers:

Fun applications:


The MapScaping podcast covers a broad range of geospatial topics and conversations about geospatial careers. With weekly episodes since 2019 and a searchable catalogue and show notes, it is easy to find something relevant for you!

Recommended Episodes

New to remote sensing:

For data lovers:

Fun applications:

Down to Earth

The Down to Earth podcast is from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and filled with in-depth conversations with scientists and their research. In addition to this podcast, the IEEE GRSS also provides a space for mentorship and support for researchers in earth observation.

Recommended Episodes

New to remote sensing:

For data lovers:

Fun applications:

Scene from Above

We love the Scene from Above podcast for its news updates, its catchy intro song, and for its recent focus on representing more voices and perspectives in remote sensing. Be sure to follow this podcast for updates from the community groups LadiesofLandsat and SistersofSAR.

Recommended Episodes

New to remote sensing:

For data lovers:

Fun applications:

Learn More with an MS in Earth Observation

Are you hooked on earth observation yet? The environmental observation and informatics MS program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison is a non-thesis degree offering training at the intersection of geospatial data and environmental conservation. Check out what our students and graduates do!

Sarah Graves is the coordinator for the Nelson Institute’s environmental observation and informatics MS program, which is rooted in the disciplines of environmental conservation, remote sensing and GIS, and informatics.