If you were on campus last fall you likely received this email asking you to participate in a campuswide sustainability survey.
The Highs, Lows, and Woahs of Earth Fest 2024
If you were on the UW–Madison campus April 19–26, you probably noticed that every person you passed was on their way to an Earth Fest event.
A Round of Applause and Awards
As the spring semester comes to a close, so does a semester’s worth of academic awards.
Jonathan Foley Moves Climate Solutions FORWARD
Even after 16 years away from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Jonathan Foley can’t quite shake the lasting impact the university has had on him.
Zeroing in on Sustainability Goals
For decades, the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and the Office of Sustainability have tackled critical environmental and sustainability challenges in service of UW–Madison, the state of Wisconsin, and the planet.
The Sustainability Research Hub: Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Collaboration
The Sustainability Research Hub (the Hub) is breaking down barriers to collaboration.
The Comprehensive Career of Jane Elder
Jane Elder could fill a book with the knowledge she has accumulated over a nearly 50-year-long career … and she has.
Science and Symphonies
A typical scientist may publish their research in a journal or present their findings at a lecture.
Coordinating a Climate and Justice Teach-in
As part of UW–Madison’s Earth Fest activities, the Wisconsin Energy Institute (WEI) will host a Climate and Justice Teach-in with the hopes of moving climate solutions forward in Madison.
Cultivating Sustainability Policy
Melina Nguyen wants two things in life: a dog, and a vegetable garden.
Protecting the Environment, Protecting Humanity
As issues like climate change, sustainable development, and depletion of natural resources become increasingly important topics to address, leaders, scholars, and lawyers worldwide are wondering how these environmental issues impact our human rights.
UW–Madison launches Sustainability Research Hub
The University of Wisconsin–Madison has launched the Sustainability Research Hub, a new service to campus that will make the university a preeminent destination for sustainability research and education.
From Lab Work to Land Management
For Linnea Patterson, studying biology was — well, in her biology.
Cultivating Connections
Erin Silva’s office may be on the University of Wisconsin – Madison campus, but her current work extends to Tribal Nations across the state.
Writing Science for the Public — In Action
“For UW–Madison to be sustainable, it must become a living model for sustainability, integrating all facets of the process into its culture, its purposes, and its practices.”
Meet Wisconsin’s New Assistant State Climatologist
Bridgette Mason has been named the new assistant state climatologist for the Wisconsin State Climatology Office (SCO).
Introducing the Nelson Ambassadors
Since it first opened to students in 2011, the Nelson Institute’s environmental studies undergraduate major has seen rapid growth — after just one year, the number of declared students nearly doubled.
New Graduate Research Award Supports Socio-Ecological Research
When it comes to the field of socio-ecology, Nelson Institute graduate Steven Lawry has written the book (or, at least, one of them).
Center for the Ecology and the Environment: Aldo Leopold Graduate Research Award
The center is offering two awards of $5,000 each to help support field research, travel-related expenses related to research, conference attendance, or other direct research costs.
Extra! Extra!
How Much Can Forests Fight Climate Change? A Sensor in Space Has Answers. New York Times, December 8, 2023 Quoted: Lisa Naughton, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, Center for Ecology and the Environment, …
An Interdisciplinary Education
The world is Hailey Kuhn’s oyster — and she knows it.
Building a Sustainable Community
Imagine a community where people work together to preserve natural resources, protect their watershed, and learn about the importance of conservation.
Geospatial Skills in a Complex World
Geospatial skills transcend traditional professional boundaries. They can be applied to solving humanitarian challenges as they can to solving biodiversity challenges.
Badgers, Start Your Resumes
Applications for the coveted Corporate Sustainability Internship open on February 1.
Creating a More Sustainable and Equitable Food System
Valerie Stull takes a holistic view of food systems investigating how to change them for the betterment of the planet and communities.