All Risk, All Reward

When Martha Goodell sat down in Science Hall for her first class as a Nelson Institute graduate student, she did as any new student would do — chatted with the person sitting next to her.

Research Forward award supports aeDNA research

A project led by Nelson Institute’s Jack Williams, professor and chair of the Department of Geography, is among 16 selected for a Research Forward award by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education.

A ‘SRS’ Success

For the first time ever, the Nelson Institute’s Center for Climatic Research (CCR) hosted the three-day Student Research Symposium through the Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program.

Hands-On Watershed Management

Determined to remove a log from a large pile, several Nelson Institute water resources management students attempted to pull on a system of connected several ropes by leveraging their bodyweight backwards across a field at Badger Farms in Deerfield.

A Sense of Place

The Odyssey Project is a unique program at UW–Madison that invites adult students with economic barriers to higher education to take humanities courses on campus.

Intersecting Interests

When the leaves start to change color in the fall and begin to bud in the spring, you can find undergraduate student Savannah Lipinski taking in the views along a University of Wisconsin-Madison Arboretum trail.

Happy Cows are Safe Cows

What happens to you when you’re stressed? Do your eating habits change? Maybe you exercise less, or maybe you avoid being around your friends and family. The same goes for cattle.

Global Ark Project

Nearly one million species — one-eighth of all life on Earth — are threatened with near immediate extinction, and science suggests this is the beginning of a larger trend.