It may still feel like summer, but back-to-school season is in full swing here on campus. Students have moved into apartments around town, and the residence halls are preparing for the arrival of bright-eyed first-years. What’s your back-to-school style? Take this personality quiz to find out which back-to-school Badger you are!
Answer the following questions and tally up the number of As, Bs, Cs, and Ds you have to find out which Back-to-School Badger you are!
- You’re on your way to campus! What are you most looking forward to this fall?
- Heading to the Dane County Farmers’ Market
- Hanging out on the Terrace with my friends
- Going to football games
- Getting a picture with Bucky
- Welcome to campus! Which residence hall are you moving into?
- Waters
- Dejope
- Ogg
- Sellery
- Classes start soon … but first, you need school supplies! What are you buying?
- Color-coded supplies for each class I’m taking!
- Probably just some pens
- Everything they have at the University Bookstore!
- My mom always shops for me
- It’s your first day of class! Which of these Nelson Institute Fall 2024 Featured Classes are you going to?
- Environmental Studies: Social Science Perspectives (ENVIR ST 112)
- Introductory Ecology (ENVIR ST/BOTANY/ZOOLOGY 260)
- Sustainability (ENVIR ST 402 LEC 003)
- Introduction to Sustainability Science (ENVIR ST/ILS 255)
- Time for lunch! What’s your go-to Union meal in between classes?
- Pizza or pasta from Strada
- A grilled cheese sandwich from Der Rathskeller
- Sesame chicken from Ginger Root
- Does Gordon Avenue Market count?
- Your first exam of the year isn’t too far away … where are you studying?
- At a coffee shop on State Street
- In the Discovery Building
- College Library, of course!
- In my residence hall lounge
- Time for the Student Org Fair! Which club catches your attention?
- The People’s Farm
- Slow Food UW
- Wisconsin Hoofers
- Just one? I’m going to sign up for them all!
- It’s been a long day! What are you doing to unwind?
- Reading a book on the lawn outside my residence hall
- Catching up on sleep or watching an episode of my favorite show
- Heading to the Nick or the Bakke for some exercise
- Playing spikeball with my roommates
Mostly As: Artsy Badger
You like to do everything with a little bit of flair! From your school supplies to your dorm/apartment decor, you sprinkle a little bit of your personality into everything — and your style is impeccable!
Mostly Bs: Easygoing Badger
You go with the flow, and don’t stress out too much about anything. You know how to relax and prioritize self-care — but always make sure to stay on top of schoolwork!
Mostly Cs: Classic Badger
This isn’t your first rodeo, and you know all of the ins and outs of campus life. Your friends can always count on you and admire your “work-hard, play-hard” attitude.
Mostly Ds: Baby Badger
You might not know all the campus secrets yet, but you’re on your way! This semester, try to branch out a little! Visit a new restaurant, check out campus events … the possibilities are endless.