Julia Halstead
What is your major? Cartography and geographic information systems, people-environment geography, and environmental studies, with certificates in mathematics and engineering for energy sustainability
Expected graduation: May 2024
What inspired your interest in the environment and/or community? My interest in the environment stems from the interdisciplinary knowledge I have gained from my various studies here at UW-Madison. Much of that knowledge comes from the wide array of amazing classes offered within the Nelson Institute. Additionally, they have helped me come to understand the immense complexities of the current climate crisis.
Initially, I started my career here at UW studying mathematics. This helped me to grow a strong appreciation for problem solving and creativity in the way I solve analytical problems. Since then, I have added degrees in environmental studies, geography, and engineering for energy sustainability. An important lesson that strives my educational aspirations is that environmental issues are often interdisciplinary and require diverse backgrounds of knowledge and diverse communities to solve.
What would you say to other students who ask about CESP or the Nelson Institute? Joining CESP has helped me grow a community within the Nelson Institute with like-minded individuals who study various topics which offer one a new perspective.
Something few people know about you: Few people know that I am a twin.