Teaching and Research Staff

In the section below, search and filters appear first, followed by a list of faculty and staff. When a search term is entered into the search input field or a filter is selected, the list of faculty/staff automatically updates to match the search term and/or selected filters.

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Faculty Staff List

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Horacio Aguirre-Villegas

Position title: Scientist III

Email: aguirreville@wisc.edu

Horacio Aguirre-Villegas' website

Henry Anderson

Position title: Adjunct Professor

Email: henry.anderson@wisc.edu

Joseph App

Position title: Programming Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: app2@wisc.edu

Carol Barford

Position title: Associate Scientist and Director, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: clbarford@wisc.edu

Carol Barford's website

Robert Beattie

Position title: Faculty Associate and Co-Director, Community Environmental Scholars Program

Email: rbeattie@wisc.edu

Robert Beattie's website

James Bennett

Position title: Adjunct Professor

Email: jpbennet@wisc.edu

James Bennett's website

Edward Boswell

Position title: Teaching Faculty

Email: epboswell@wisc.edu

Matt Bougie

Position title: Associate Research Specialist, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: mbougie@wisc.edu

Matt Bougie's website

Amintas Brandão Jr.

Position title: Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: abrandao@wisc.edu

Jennifer Bratburd

Position title: HAQAST Outreach Program Manager/Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: bratburd@wisc.edu

Jennifer Bratburd's website

Matthew Christie

Position title: Computer Programmer/Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: mjchristie@wisc.edu

Matthew Christie's website

Delaney Gobster

Position title: Capstone Lecturer

Email: gobster@wisc.edu

Monica Harkey

Position title: Research Associate, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: mkharkey@wisc.edu

Monica Harkey's website

Feng He

Position title: Senior Scientist, Center for Climatic Research (CCR)

Email: fenghe@wisc.edu

Feng He's website

Ed Hopkins

Position title: Assistant State Climatologist

Email: ejhopkin@wisc.edu

Arlyne Johnson

Position title: Adjunct Professor

Email: ajohns10@wisc.edu

Meghan Kautzer

Position title: Assistant Director, Environmental Professional Programs; Lecturer

Email: mkautzer@wisc.edu

Meghan Kautzer's website

Brian Langolf

Position title: Biogas Researcher

Email: bmlangolf@wisc.edu

Tyler Lark

Position title: Assistant Scientist, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: lark@wisc.edu

Tyler Lark's website

Natalie Levine

Position title: Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: natalie.levine@wisc.edu

Vijay Limaye

Vijay Limaye

Position title: Adjunct Assistant Professor

Email: vlimaye@wisc.edu

Timothy Lindstrom

Position title: Student Intern Program Manager, Office of Sustainability

Email: timothy.lindstrom@wisc.edu

Timothy Lindstrom's website

David Lorenz

Position title: Associate Scientist, Center for Climatic Research (CCR)

Email: dlorenz@wisc.edu

David Lorenz's website

Noreen McAuliffe

Position title: Lecturer

Email: mcauliffe@wisc.edu

Adam Mednick

Position title: Lecturer

Email: mednick@wisc.edu

Paul Meier

Position title: Scientist

Email: pmeier@wisc.edu

Paul Meier's website

Jacob Munger

Position title: Assistant Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: munger@wisc.edu

Jacob Munger's website

Michael Notaro

Position title: Director and Senior Scientist, Center for Climatic Research (CCR)

Email: mnotaro@wisc.edu

Michael Notaro's website

Lisa Rausch

Position title: Associate Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: llrausch@wisc.edu

Lisa Rausch's website

Cameron Roberts

Position title: Research Specialist, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: jcroberts4@wisc.edu

Cooper Rosin

Position title: Lecturer

Email: crosin@wisc.edu

Cooper Rosin's website

Ian Schelly

Position title: Research Specialist, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: ischelly@wisc.edu

Ian Schelly's website

Valerie Stull

Position title: Research Scientist, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: vstull@wisc.edu

Valerie Stull's website

Michael Tiboris

Position title: Adjunct Instructor

Email: mtiboris@wisc.edu

Stephen Vavrus

Position title: Senior Scientist, Center for Climatic Research (CCR)

Email: sjvavrus@wisc.edu

Stephen Vavrus' website

Kim Wahl

Position title: Sustainability Teaching Faculty

Email: krwahl2@wisc.edu

Fuyao Wang

Position title: Associate Researcher, Center for Climatic Research (CCR)

Email: fwang26@wisc.edu

Fuyao Wang's website

Scott Williams

Position title: Lecturer

Email: spwilliams@wisc.edu

Samuel Younkin

Position title: Researcher II, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE)

Email: syounkin@wisc.edu

Samuel Younkin's website