Rendezvous on the Terrace Registration Friday, September 27, 2024 5–7:30 p.m. Tripp Commons, Memorial Union 800 Langdon Street Madison Will you join us on September 27 for Rendezvous on the Terrace?(Required) Yes No First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Sorry we'll miss you this year! We hope to see you again soon. First Name(Required) As you'd like it to appear on a name tagLast Name(Required) Email Address(Required) Do you have any dietary restrictions? Vegetarian Vegan Gluten-free Nut allergy Shellfish allergy No dietary restrictions Other Please describe your dietary restriction: Would you be interested in sharing your professional experience with current students in the future?Please Select...YesNoNot applicable(i.e. participating in an Alumni Networking event, speaking on a panel, or offering advice) Please select your role: Nelson alumni Friend of the Nelson Institute Faculty/staff Student (Check all that apply)What is your current job title and organization? Would you like to bring a guest? Yes No Guest First Name Guest Last Name Does your guest have any dietary restrictions? Vegetarian Vegan Gluten-free Nut allergy Shellfish allergy No dietary restrictions Other Please describe your guest's dietary restriction: