Ashley Cheung
What are your majors? Conservation biology and community and environmental sociology
Expected graduation: May 2024
What inspired your interest in the environment and/or community? I grew up on the west coast of Canada, where I attended an outdoor education program that taught me how to appreciate nature and deepen my relationship with it, which ignited my interest in understanding the relationship between communities and the environment, and how to facilitate more interdependence between the two in the midst of climate change and capitalism.
What would you say (or do you say) to other students about CESP and the Nelson Institute? CESP is a foundation for students to connect and build trust and community that is necessary for societal change. It’s refreshing to be able to talk about things that matter, like how to participate in intentional service, but also to simply enjoy each others’ presence. Other CESP students inspire me and remind me that I am not alone.
Something few people know about you: When I was growing up, I had three foster brothers.
Anything else? Last year, I was the sustainability chair for Associated Students of Madison, and this year I am a sustainability campaign coordinator. I would love to spread the word about fossil fuel divestment and involve more students!