Faculty and Affiliates

In the section below, search and filters appear first, followed by a list of faculty and staff. When a search term is entered into the search input field or a filter is selected, the list of faculty/staff automatically updates to match the search term and/or selected filters.

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Faculty Staff List

Nothing matched the filters you selected.

Samer Alatout

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: snalatout@wisc.edu

Samer Alatout's website

Anna Andrzejewski

Anna Andrzejewski

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Art History

Email: avandrzejews@wisc.edu

Anna Andrzejewski's website

Robert Anex

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: anex@wisc.edu

Robert Anex's website

Francisco Arriaga

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Soil Science

Email: farriaga@wisc.edu

Francisco Arriaga's website

Sumudu Atapattu

Cannot advise students

Position title: Teaching Professor, Law

Email: sumudu.atapattu@wisc.edu

Sumudu Atapattu's website

William Aylward

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Classics

Email: aylward@wisc.edu

William Aylward's website

Ian Baird

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: ibaird@wisc.edu

Ian Baird's website

David Bart

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Landscape Architecture

Email: dbart@wisc.edu

David Bart's website

Leonelo Bautista

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Population Health Sciences

Email: lebautista@wisc.edu

Leonelo Bautista's website

Katarzyna Beilin

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Email: kobeilin@wisc.edu

Katarzyna Beilin's website

Michael Bell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: michaelbell@wisc.edu

Michael Bell's website

Max Besbris

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Sociology

Email: besbris@wisc.edu

Max Besbris' website

Anna Bierbrauer

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: abierbrauer@wisc.edu

Anna Bierbrauer's website

Paul Block

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: pblock2@wisc.edu

Paul Block's website

Riccardo Bonazza

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: bonazza@engr.wisc.edu

Riccardo Bonazza's website

Katherine Bowie

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology; Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Email: kabowie@wisc.edu

Katherine Bowie's website

Ken Bradbury

Cannot advise students

Position title: Director Emeritus, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

Email: ken.bradbury@wgnhs.uwex.edu

Ken Bradbury's website

William Brockliss

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Classics; Director, Center for Culture, History, and Environment

Email: brockliss@wisc.edu

William Brockliss' website

Dominique Brossard

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Life Sciences Communication

Email: dbrossard@wisc.edu

Dominique Brossard's website

Grace Bulltail

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: bulltail@wisc.edu

Grace Bulltail's website

Zuzana Buřivalová

Zuzana Burivalova

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: burivalova@wisc.edu

Zuzana Burivalova's website

Claudia Irene Calderón García

Cannot advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: cicalderon@wisc.edu

Claudia Irene Calderón García's website

Joshua Calhoun

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, English

Email: joshua.calhoun@wisc.edu

Joshua Calhoun's website

Michael Cardiff

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geoscience

Email: cardiff@wisc.edu

Michael Cardiff's website

Stephen Carpenter

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Email: steve.carpenter@wisc.edu

Stephen Carpenter's website

Alan Carroll

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Geoscience

Email: carroll@geology.wisc.edu

Alan Carroll's website

Jill H. Casid

Can advise students

Position title: Professor of Visual Studies, Art History and Gender and Women's Studies

Email: jhcasid@wisc.edu

Jill H. Casid's website

Kaiping Chen

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: kchen67@wisc.edu

Kaiping Chen's website

Wenwen Cheng

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: wenwen.cheng@wisc.edu

Wenwen Cheng's website

Peggy Choy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Dance

Email: pachoy@wisc.edu

Peggy Choy's website

Laurie Beth Clark

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Art History

Email: lbclark@wisc.edu

Laurie Beth Clark's website

Jane Collins

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: jcollins@ssc.wisc.edu

Jane Collins' website

Michael Corradini

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: corradini@engr.wisc.edu

Michael Corradini's website

Ian Coxhead

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: coxhead@wisc.edu

Ian Coxhead's website

James Crall

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Entomology

Email: james.crall@wisc.edu

James Crall's website

William Cronon

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, History and Geography

Email: wcronon@wisc.edu

William Cronon's website

Katherine Curtis

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: kcurtis@ssc.wisc.edu

Katherine Curtis' website

Ellen Damschen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: damschen@wisc.edu

Ellen Damschen's website

Julie Dawson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Horticulture

Email: dawson@hort.wisc.edu

Julie Dawson's website

Greg DeCroix

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Business

Email: greg.decroix@wisc.edu

Greg DeCroix's website

Steven Deller

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics; Community Development Economist, UW-Cooperative Extension

Email: scdeller@wisc.edu

Steven Deller's website

Ankur Desai

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: desai@aos.wisc.edu

Ankur Desai's website

Cal DeWitt

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies

Email: cbdewitt@wisc.edu

Cal DeWitt's website

David Drake

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: ddrake2@wisc.edu

David Drake's website

Sheldon (Xiaodong) Du

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: xdu23@wisc.edu

Sheldon (Xiaodong) Du's website

Andrea Dutton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geoscience

Email: dutton3@wisc.edu

Andrea Dutton's website

Morgan Edwards

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Public Affairs

Email: morgan.edwards@wisc.edu

Morgan Edwards' website

Shelby Ellison

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Horticulture

Email: slrepinski@wisc.edu

Shelby Ellison's website

Eve Emshwiller

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Botany

Email: emshwiller@wisc.edu

Eve Emshwiller's website

Noah Feinstein

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: nfeinstein@wisc.edu

Noah Feinstein's website

Jeremy Foltz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: jdfoltz@wisc.edu

Jeremy Foltz's website

Zachary Freedman

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: zfreedman@wisc.edu

Zachary Freedman's website

Anna Gade

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Undergraduate Programs

Email: amgade@wisc.edu

Anna Gade's website

Ken Genskow

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture; Water Resources Specialist, Division of Extension

Email: kgenskow@wisc.edu

Ken Genskow's website

Holly Gibbs

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: hkgibbs@wisc.edu

Holly Gibbs' website

Matthew Ginder-Vogel

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: mgindervogel@wisc.edu

Matthew Ginder-Vogel's website

Thomas Givnish

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Botany and Environmental Studies

Email: givnish@wisc.edu

Thomas Givnish's website

Asli Gocmen

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Geography

Email: gocmen@wisc.edu

Asli Gocmen's website

Tony Goldberg

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Epidemiology

Email: tgoldberg@vetmed.wisc.edu

Tony Goldberg's website

Ruth Goldstein

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Gender and Women's Studies

Email: ruth.goldstein@wisc.edu

Ruth Goldstein's website

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, English

Email: caroline.gottschalk.druschke@wisc.edu

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke's website

Linda Graham

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Botany

Email: lkgraham@wisc.edu

Linda Graham's website

Corbett Grainger

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cagrainger@wisc.edu

Corbett Grainger's website

Claudio Gratton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Entomology

Email: cgratton@wisc.edu

Claudio Gratton's website

Gary Green

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: gpgreen@wisc.edu

Gary Green's website

Russell Groves

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Entomology

Email: rgroves@wisc.edu

Russell Groves' website

Jeffrey Hadachek

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: hadachek@wisc.edu

Jeffrey Hadachek's website

Steven Hall

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: steven.hall@wisc.edu

Steven Hall's website

John Harrington

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: jaharrin@wisc.edu

John Harrington's website

David Hart

Cannot advise students

Position title: Assistant Director for Extension, Wisconsin Sea Grant

Email: dhart@aqua.wisc.edu

David Hart's website

Alfred Hartemink

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Soil Science

Email: alfred.hartemink@wisc.edu

Alfred Hartemink's website

Stephanie Henderson

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: sahenderson@wisc.edu

Stephanie Henderson's website

Elizabeth Hennessy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, History and Environmental Studies

Email: elizabeth.hennessy@wisc.edu

Elizabeth Hennessy's website

Michael Hernke

Cannot advise students

Position title: Senior Lecturer, Business

Email: mthernke@wisc.edu

Michael Hernke's website

Andrea Hicks

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of Sustainability Education and Research, Office of Sustainability

Email: hicks5@wisc.edu

Andrea Hicks' website

Roberta Hill

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, English and American Indian Studies

Email: rjhill@wisc.edu

Roberta Hill's website

Matt Hitchman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: matt@aos.wisc.edu

Matt Hitchman's website

Li-Ching Ho

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: liching.ho@wisc.edu

Li-Ching Ho's website

Leslie Holland

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology

Email: laholland@wisc.edu

Leslie Holland's website

Tracey Holloway

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Energy Analysis and Policy

Email: taholloway@wisc.edu

Tracey Holloway's website

Leah Horowitz

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and American Indian & Indigenous Studies

Email: lhorowitz@wisc.edu

Leah Horowitz's website

Sara Hotchkiss

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Botany; Chair, Environment and Resources

Email: shotchkiss@wisc.edu

Sara Hotchkiss' website

R. Justin Hougham

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Environmental Education Specialist, Division of Extension

Email: justin.hougham@wisc.edu

R. Justin Hougham's website

Evelyn Howell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: eahowell@wisc.edu

Evelyn Howell's website

Jingyi Huang

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: jhuang426@wisc.edu

Jingyi Huang's website

Qunying Huang

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: qhuang46@wisc.edu

Qunying Huang's website

James Hurley

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jphurley@wisc.edu

James Hurley's website

Randy Jackson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: rdjackson@wisc.edu

Randy Jackson's website

Molly Jahn

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy and Laboratory of Genetics

Email: mjahn@cals.wisc.edu

Molly Jahn's website

Marty Kanarek

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Population Health Sciences and Environmental Studies

Email: mkanarek@wisc.edu

Marty Kanarek's website

KG Karthikeyan

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: kkarthikeyan@wisc.edu

KG Karthikeyan's website

J. Paul Kelleher

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Medical History and Bioethics, and Philosophy

Email: paul.kelleher@wisc.edu

J. Paul Kelleher's website

Richard Keller

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Medical History and the History of Science

Email: rckeller@wisc.edu

Richard Keller's website

Joseph Kemnitz

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Cell and Regenerative Biology

Email: kemnitz@primate.wisc.edu

Joseph Kemnitz's website

Paul Koch

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: plkoch@wisc.edu

Paul Koch's website

Christopher Kucharik

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy and Environmental Studies

Email: kucharik@wisc.edu

Christopher Kucharik's website

Gerald Kulcinski

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: glkulcin@wisc.edu

Gerald Kulcinski's website

Alexia Kulwiec

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor and Co-Chair, School for Workers

Email: alexia.kulwiec@wisc.edu

Alexia Kulwiec's website

Tristan L'Ecuyer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: tlecuyer@wisc.edu

Tristan L'Ecuyer's website

James Lagro

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Urban and Regional Planning

Email: jalagro@wisc.edu

James Lagro's website

Richard Lankau

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: lankau@wisc.edu

Richard Lankau's website

Rebecca Larson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: rebecca.larson@wisc.edu

Rebecca Larson's website

Jessica LeClair

Cannot advise students

Position title: Clinical Instructor, Nursing

Email: jleclair2@wisc.edu

Maria Lepowsky

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: lepowsky@wisc.edu

Maria Lepowsky's website

Bernard Lesieutre

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Computer and Electrical Engineering

Email: lesieutre@wisc.edu

Bernard Lesieutre's website

Steven Loheide

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: loheide@wisc.edu

Steven Loheide's website

Jenna Loyd

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Geography

Email: jmloyd@wisc.edu

Jenna Loyd's website

Julie Mares

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor (retired), Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Email: jmarespe@wisc.edu

Julie Mares' website

Erika Marin-Spiotta

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: marinspiotta@wisc.edu

Erika Marin-Spiotta's website

Elizabeth Maroon

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: emaroon@wisc.edu

Elizabeth Maroon's website

Jonathan E. Martin

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: jemarti1@wisc.edu

Jonathan E. Martin's website

Katherine McMahon

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: tmcmahon@engr.wisc.edu

Katherine McMahon's website

Sarli Mercado

Cannot advise students

Position title: Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese

Email: smercado@wisc.edu

Sarli Mercado's website

Cathy Middlecamp

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Environmental Studies

Email: chmiddle@wisc.edu

Cathy Middlecamp's website

Paul Mitchell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cpdmitchell@wisc.edu

Paul Mitchell's website

Gregg Mitman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, History of Science, Medical History, and Environmental Studies

Email: gmitman@med.wisc.edu

Gregg Mitman's website

Alfonso Morales

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: morales1@wisc.edu

Alfonso Morales' website

Maria Moreno

Cannot advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty II, Environmental Health and the Built Environment

Email: maria.moreno@wisc.edu

Maria Moreno's website

Michael Morgan

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: mcmorgan@wisc.edu

Michael Morgan's website

Lisa Naughton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: lnaughto@wisc.edu

Lisa Naughton's website

Gregory Nemet

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Public Affairs

Email: nemet@wisc.edu

Gregory Nemet's website

Missy Nergard

Cannot advise students

Position title: Director of Sustainability, Institutional, Office of Sustainability

Email: missy.nergard@wisc.edu

Missy Nergard's website

Larry Nesper

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Anthropology

Email: lnesper@wisc.edu

Larry Nesper's website

Todd Newman

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: tpnewman@wisc.edu

Todd Newman's website

Frederic Neyrat

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Comparative Literature

Email: neyrat@wisc.edu

Frederic Neyrat's website

Chuck Nicholson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Animal and Dairy Sciences and Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cfnicholson@wisc.edu

Chuck Nicholson's website

James Nienhuis

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Horticulture

Email: nienhuis@wisc.edu

James Nienhuis' website

David Noyce

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

Email: noyce@engr.wisc.edu

David Noyce's website

Karen Oberhauser

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita and Director, UW Arboretum

Email: koberhauser@wisc.edu

Karen Oberhauser's website

Thomas Oliver

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Population Health Sciences

Email: troliver@wisc.edu

Thomas Oliver's website

John Orrock

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: jorrock@wisc.edu

John Orrock's website

Mario Ortiz-Robles

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, English

Email: mortizrobles@wisc.edu

Mario Ortiz-Robles' website

Tim Osswald

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Email: tosswald@wisc.edu

Tim Osswald's website

Mutlu Ozdogan

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: ozdogan@wisc.edu

Mutlu Ozdogan's website

Alberto Palloni

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Email: palloni@ssc.wisc.edu

Alberto Palloni's website

Jae Park

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jkpark@wisc.edu

Jae Park's website

Dominic Parker

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: dominic.parker@wisc.edu

Dominic Parker's website

Dr. Jonathan Patz

Jonathan Patz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies and Medicine and Public Health

Email: patz@wisc.edu

Jonathan Patz's website

Kurt Paulsen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: kpaulsen@wisc.edu

Kurt Paulsen's website

Daniel Phaneuf

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: dphaneuf@wisc.edu

Daniel Phaneuf's website

Valentin Picasso Risso

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agronomy

Email: picassorisso@wisc.edu

Valentin Picasso Risso's website

Anna Pidgeon

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: apidgeon@wisc.edu

Anna Pidgeon's website

Warren Porter

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Email: wpporter@wisc.edu

Warren Porter's website

Tim Portlock

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies and Art

Email: tportlock@wisc.edu

Tim Portlock's website

Kenneth Potter

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: kwpotter@facstaff.wisc.edu

Kenneth Potter's website

Kenneth Raffa

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Entomology

Email: raffa@entomology.wisc.edu

Kenneth Raffa's website

Jess Reed

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Animal Science

Email: jdreed@wisc.edu

Jess Reed's website

Douglas Reindl

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Engineering Professional Development

Email: dreindl@wisc.edu

Douglas Reindl's website

Douglas Reinemann

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: djreinem@wisc.edu

Douglas Reinemann's website

Mark Renz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: mrenz@wisc.edu

Mark Renz's website

James Rink

Cannot advise students

Position title: Program Director, Manufacturing, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Email: jrink@wisc.edu

James Rink's website

Sarah Rios

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: smrios@wisc.edu

Sarah Rios' website

Adena Rissman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: arrissman@wisc.edu

Adena Rissman's website

Paul Robbins

Can advise students

Position title: Dean, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Professor, Environmental Studies and Geography

Email: dean@nelson.wisc.edu

Paul Robbins' website

Stephanie Robert

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Social Work

Email: sarobert@wisc.edu

Stephanie Robert's website

Morgan Robertson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: mmrobertson@wisc.edu

Morgan Robertson's website

Patrick Robinson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Division of Extension

Email: patrick.robinson@wisc.edu

Patrick Robinson's website

Joel Rogers

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Law, Political Science, Public Affairs, and Sociology

Email: jrogers@cows.org

Joel Rogers's website

David Rosenthal

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Rehab Psychology and Special Education

Email: mdrosenthal@education.wisc.edu

David Rosenthal's website

Matt Ruark

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Soil Science

Email: mdruark@wisc.edu

Matt Ruark's website

Troy Runge

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: trunge@wisc.edu

Troy Runge's website

Rosemary Russ

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: rruss@wisc.edu

Rosemary Russ' website

Jeffrey Russell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: russell@engr.wisc.edu

Jeffrey Russell's website

Majid Sarmadi

Cannot advise students

Position title: Audrey Rothermel Bascom Professor Emeritus, Design Studies

Email: majidsar@wisc.edu

Majid Sarmadi's website

James Schauer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jschauer@engr.wisc.edu

James Schauer's website

Dietram Scheufele

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Life Sciences Communication

Email: scheufele@wisc.edu

Dietram Scheufele's website

Joan Schmit

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Risk Management and Insurance

Email: jschmit@bus.wisc.edu

Joan Schmit's website

Annemarie Schneider

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Environmental Observation and Informatics

Email: aschneider4@wisc.edu

Annemarie Schneider's website

Sean Schoville

Sean Schoville

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Entomology

Email: sean.schoville@wisc.edu

Sean Schoville's website

Sissel Schroeder

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: sissel.schroeder@wisc.edu

Sissel Schroeder's website

David Shaffer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Educational Psychology

Email: dws@education.wisc.edu

David Shaffer's website

Bret Shaw

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: brshaw@wisc.edu

Bret Shaw's website

Robin Shepard

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: robin.shepard@ces.uwex.edu

Robin Shepard's website

Janet Silbernagel

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: jmsilber@wisc.edu

Janet Silbernagel's website

Erin Silva

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: emsilva@wisc.edu

Erin Silva's website

Kurt Sladky

Cannot advise students

Position title: Clinical Professor, Veterinary Medicine

Email: kurt.sladky@wisc.edu

Kurt Sladky's website

Amy Stambach

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: amy.stambach@wisc.edu

Amy Stambach's website

Emily Stanley

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: ehstanley@wisc.edu

Emily Stanley's website

Shawn Steffan

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Entomology

Email: steffan2@wisc.edu

Shawn Steffan's website

Andrew Stevens

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: awstevens@wisc.edu

Andrew Stevens' website

Paul Stoy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: pcstoy@wisc.edu

Paul Stoy's website

Richard Straub

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: rjstraub@wisc.edu

Richard Straub's website

Robert Streiffer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Philosophy and Bioethics

Email: rstreiffer@wisc.edu

Robert Streiffer's website

Karen Strier

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: kbstrier@wisc.edu

Karen Strier's website

Steph Tai

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, Nelson Institute; Professor, Law

Email: tai2@wisc.edu

Steph Tai's website

Manuel Teodoro

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Public Affairs

Email: mteodoro@wisc.edu

Manuel Teodoro's website

Ann Terlaak

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Management and Human Resources

Email: ann.terlaak@wisc.edu

Ann Terlaak's website

Anita Thompson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering; Chair, Water Resources Management

Email: amthompson2@wisc.edu

Anita Thompson's website

Christopher Timmins

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics

Email: ctimmins@wisc.edu

Christopher Timmins's website

Bill Tracy

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: wftracy@wisc.edu

Bill Tracy's website

Adrian Treves

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: atreves@wisc.edu

Adrian Treves' website

Matt Turner

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: mturner2@wisc.edu

Matt Turner's website

Timothy Van Deelen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology; Chair, Environmental Conservation

Email: trvandeelen@wisc.edu

Timothy Van Deelen's website

Lyn M. Van Swol

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Communication Arts

Email: vanswol@wisc.edu

Lyn M. Van Swol's website

Jake Vander Zanden

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: mjvanderzand@wisc.edu

Jake Vander Zanden's website

Alberto Vargas

Alberto Vargas

Cannot advise students

Position title: Associate Director, Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program

Email: avargasp@wisc.edu

Alberto Vargas' website

Daniel Vimont

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: dvimont@wisc.edu

Daniel Vimont's website

Till Wagner

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: till.wagner@wisc.edu

Till Wagner's website

Herb Wang

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Geoscience

Email: wang@geology.wisc.edu

Herb Wang's website

Pao-Kuan Wang

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: pao@windy.aos.wisc.edu

Pao-Kuan Wang's website

Yi Wang

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: wang52@wisc.edu

Yi Wang's website

Aja Watkins

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Email: aja.watkins@wisc.edu

Aja Watkins' website

Michel Wattiaux

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Dairy Systems Management

Email: wattiaux@wisc.edu

Michel Wattiaux's website

Monica White

Monica White

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Justice in Environmental Studies and Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: mmwhite3@wisc.edu

Monica White's website

Thea Whitman

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Soil Science

Email: twhitman@wisc.edu

Thea Whitman's website

John Williams

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: jww@geography.wisc.edu

John Williams's website

Paul Wilson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: paul.wilson@wisc.edu

Paul Wilson's website

Catherine Woodward

Cannot advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty, Botany

Email: cwoodwar@wisc.edu

Catherine Woodward's website

Keith Woodward

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: kwoodward@wisc.edu

Keith Woodward's website

Daniel Wright

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: danielb.wright@wisc.edu

Daniel Wright's website

Daniel Young

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Entomology; Director, UW Insect Research Collection

Email: young@entomology.wisc.edu

Daniel Young's website

Christopher Zahasky

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Geoscience

Email: czahasky@wisc.edu

Christopher Zahasky's website

Paul Zedler

Cannot advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies

Email: phzedler@wisc.edu

A-Xing Zhu

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: azhu@wisc.edu

A-Xing Zhu's website

Xia Zhu-Barker

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: zhubarker@wisc.edu

Xia Zhu-Barker's website