Faculty and Affiliates

Note for Graduate Students

Graduate students can use this directory to find faculty members who match their interests and serve as potential advisors. When choosing an advisor, it’s important to distinguish between those who can independently serve as an advisor and those who can only co-advise. Faculty and affiliates are noted accordingly:

  • CheckmarkAssistant, associate, or full professors (i.e., faculty) who can independently serve as an advisor to students
  • AttentionOthers who can be a co-advisor, but cannot independently serve as an advisor without a faculty co-advisor

In the section below, search and filters appear first, followed by a list of faculty and staff. When a search term is entered into the search input field or a filter is selected, the list of faculty/staff automatically updates to match the search term and/or selected filters.

Filter Results

Faculty Staff List

Nothing matched the filters you selected.

Samer Alatout

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: snalatout@wisc.edu

Samer Alatout's website

Anna Andrzejewski

Anna Andrzejewski

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Art History

Email: avandrzejews@wisc.edu

Anna Andrzejewski's website

Robert Anex

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: anex@wisc.edu

Robert Anex's website

Francisco Arriaga

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Soil Science

Email: farriaga@wisc.edu

Francisco Arriaga's website

Sumudu Atapattu

Can co-advise students

Position title: Teaching Professor, Law

Email: sumudu.atapattu@wisc.edu

Sumudu Atapattu's website

William Aylward

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Classics

Email: aylward@wisc.edu

William Aylward's website

Ian Baird

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: ibaird@wisc.edu

Ian Baird's website

David Bart

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Landscape Architecture

Email: dbart@wisc.edu

David Bart's website

Leonelo Bautista

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Population Health Sciences

Email: lebautista@wisc.edu

Leonelo Bautista's website

Katarzyna Beilin

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Spanish and Portuguese

Email: kobeilin@wisc.edu

Katarzyna Beilin's website

Michael Bell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: michaelbell@wisc.edu

Michael Bell's website

Max Besbris

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Sociology

Email: besbris@wisc.edu

Max Besbris' website

Anna Bierbrauer

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: abierbrauer@wisc.edu

Anna Bierbrauer's website

Paul Block

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: pblock2@wisc.edu

Paul Block's website

Riccardo Bonazza

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: bonazza@engr.wisc.edu

Riccardo Bonazza's website

Katherine Bowie

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology; Director, Center for Southeast Asian Studies

Email: kabowie@wisc.edu

Katherine Bowie's website

Ken Bradbury

Can co-advise students

Position title: Director Emeritus, Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey

Email: ken.bradbury@wgnhs.uwex.edu

Ken Bradbury's website

William Brockliss

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Classics; Director, Center for Culture, History, and Environment

Email: brockliss@wisc.edu

William Brockliss' website

Dominique Brossard

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Life Sciences Communication

Email: dbrossard@wisc.edu

Dominique Brossard's website

Grace Bulltail

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: bulltail@wisc.edu

Grace Bulltail's website

Zuzana Buřivalová

Zuzana Burivalova

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: burivalova@wisc.edu

Zuzana Burivalova's website

Claudia Irene Calderón García

Can co-advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: cicalderon@wisc.edu

Claudia Irene Calderón García's website

Joshua Calhoun

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, English

Email: joshua.calhoun@wisc.edu

Joshua Calhoun's website

Michael Cardiff

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geoscience

Email: cardiff@wisc.edu

Michael Cardiff's website

Stephen Carpenter

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Email: steve.carpenter@wisc.edu

Stephen Carpenter's website

Alan Carroll

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Geoscience

Email: carroll@geology.wisc.edu

Alan Carroll's website

Jill H. Casid

Can advise students

Position title: Professor of Visual Studies, Art History and Gender and Women's Studies

Email: jhcasid@wisc.edu

Jill H. Casid's website

Kaiping Chen

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: kchen67@wisc.edu

Kaiping Chen's website

Wenwen Cheng

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: wenwen.cheng@wisc.edu

Wenwen Cheng's website

Peggy Choy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Dance

Email: pachoy@wisc.edu

Peggy Choy's website

Laurie Beth Clark

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Art History

Email: lbclark@wisc.edu

Laurie Beth Clark's website

Jane Collins

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: jcollins@ssc.wisc.edu

Jane Collins' website

Michael Corradini

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: corradini@engr.wisc.edu

Michael Corradini's website

Ian Coxhead

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: coxhead@wisc.edu

Ian Coxhead's website

James Crall

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Entomology

Email: james.crall@wisc.edu

James Crall's website

William Cronon

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, History and Geography

Email: wcronon@wisc.edu

William Cronon's website

Katherine Curtis

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: kcurtis@ssc.wisc.edu

Katherine Curtis' website

Ellen Damschen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: damschen@wisc.edu

Ellen Damschen's website

Julie Dawson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Horticulture

Email: dawson@hort.wisc.edu

Julie Dawson's website

Greg DeCroix

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Business

Email: greg.decroix@wisc.edu

Greg DeCroix's website

Steven Deller

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics; Community Development Economist, UW-Cooperative Extension

Email: scdeller@wisc.edu

Steven Deller's website

Ankur Desai

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: desai@aos.wisc.edu

Ankur Desai's website

Cal DeWitt

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies

Email: cbdewitt@wisc.edu

Cal DeWitt's website

David Drake

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: ddrake2@wisc.edu

David Drake's website

Sheldon (Xiaodong) Du

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: xdu23@wisc.edu

Sheldon (Xiaodong) Du's website

Andrea Dutton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geoscience

Email: dutton3@wisc.edu

Andrea Dutton's website

Morgan Edwards

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Public Affairs

Email: morgan.edwards@wisc.edu

Morgan Edwards' website

Shelby Ellison

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Horticulture

Email: slrepinski@wisc.edu

Shelby Ellison's website

Eve Emshwiller

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Botany

Email: emshwiller@wisc.edu

Eve Emshwiller's website

Noah Feinstein

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: nfeinstein@wisc.edu

Noah Feinstein's website

Jeremy Foltz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: jdfoltz@wisc.edu

Jeremy Foltz's website

Zachary Freedman

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: zfreedman@wisc.edu

Zachary Freedman's website

Anna Gade

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Undergraduate Programs

Email: amgade@wisc.edu

Anna Gade's website

Ken Genskow

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture; Water Resources Specialist, Division of Extension

Email: kgenskow@wisc.edu

Ken Genskow's website

Holly Gibbs

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: hkgibbs@wisc.edu

Holly Gibbs' website

Matthew Ginder-Vogel

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: mgindervogel@wisc.edu

Matthew Ginder-Vogel's website

Thomas Givnish

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Botany and Environmental Studies

Email: givnish@wisc.edu

Thomas Givnish's website

Asli Gocmen

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Geography

Email: gocmen@wisc.edu

Asli Gocmen's website

Tony Goldberg

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Epidemiology

Email: tgoldberg@vetmed.wisc.edu

Tony Goldberg's website

Ruth Goldstein

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Gender and Women's Studies

Email: ruth.goldstein@wisc.edu

Ruth Goldstein's website

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, English

Email: caroline.gottschalk.druschke@wisc.edu

Caroline Gottschalk Druschke's website

Linda Graham

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Botany

Email: lkgraham@wisc.edu

Linda Graham's website

Corbett Grainger

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cagrainger@wisc.edu

Corbett Grainger's website

Claudio Gratton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Entomology

Email: cgratton@wisc.edu

Claudio Gratton's website

Gary Green

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: gpgreen@wisc.edu

Gary Green's website

Russell Groves

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Entomology

Email: rgroves@wisc.edu

Russell Groves' website

Jeffrey Hadachek

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: hadachek@wisc.edu

Jeffrey Hadachek's website

Steven Hall

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: steven.hall@wisc.edu

Steven Hall's website

John Harrington

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: jaharrin@wisc.edu

John Harrington's website

David Hart

Can co-advise students

Position title: Assistant Director for Extension, Wisconsin Sea Grant

Email: dhart@aqua.wisc.edu

David Hart's website

Alfred Hartemink

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Soil Science

Email: alfred.hartemink@wisc.edu

Alfred Hartemink's website

Stephanie Henderson

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: sahenderson@wisc.edu

Stephanie Henderson's website

Elizabeth Hennessy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, History and Environmental Studies

Email: elizabeth.hennessy@wisc.edu

Elizabeth Hennessy's website

Michael Hernke

Can co-advise students

Position title: Senior Lecturer, Business

Email: mthernke@wisc.edu

Michael Hernke's website

Andrea Hicks

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director of Sustainability Education and Research, Office of Sustainability

Email: hicks5@wisc.edu

Andrea Hicks' website

Roberta Hill

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, English and American Indian Studies

Email: rjhill@wisc.edu

Roberta Hill's website

Matt Hitchman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: matt@aos.wisc.edu

Matt Hitchman's website

Li-Ching Ho

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: liching.ho@wisc.edu

Li-Ching Ho's website

Leslie Holland

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology

Email: laholland@wisc.edu

Leslie Holland's website

Tracey Holloway

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Energy Analysis and Policy

Email: taholloway@wisc.edu

Tracey Holloway's website

Leah Horowitz

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and American Indian & Indigenous Studies

Email: lhorowitz@wisc.edu

Leah Horowitz's website

Sara Hotchkiss

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Botany; Chair, Environment and Resources

Email: shotchkiss@wisc.edu

Sara Hotchkiss' website

R. Justin Hougham

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Environmental Education Specialist, Division of Extension

Email: justin.hougham@wisc.edu

R. Justin Hougham's website

Evelyn Howell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: eahowell@wisc.edu

Evelyn Howell's website

Jingyi Huang

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: jhuang426@wisc.edu

Jingyi Huang's website

Qunying Huang

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: qhuang46@wisc.edu

Qunying Huang's website

James Hurley

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jphurley@wisc.edu

James Hurley's website

Randy Jackson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: rdjackson@wisc.edu

Randy Jackson's website

Molly Jahn

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy and Laboratory of Genetics

Email: mjahn@cals.wisc.edu

Molly Jahn's website

Marty Kanarek

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Population Health Sciences and Environmental Studies

Email: mkanarek@wisc.edu

Marty Kanarek's website

KG Karthikeyan

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: kkarthikeyan@wisc.edu

KG Karthikeyan's website

J. Paul Kelleher

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Medical History and Bioethics, and Philosophy

Email: paul.kelleher@wisc.edu

J. Paul Kelleher's website

Richard Keller

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Medical History and the History of Science

Email: rckeller@wisc.edu

Richard Keller's website

Joseph Kemnitz

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Cell and Regenerative Biology

Email: kemnitz@primate.wisc.edu

Joseph Kemnitz's website

Paul Koch

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: plkoch@wisc.edu

Paul Koch's website

Christopher Kucharik

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy and Environmental Studies

Email: kucharik@wisc.edu

Christopher Kucharik's website

Gerald Kulcinski

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: glkulcin@wisc.edu

Gerald Kulcinski's website

Alexia Kulwiec

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor and Co-Chair, School for Workers

Email: alexia.kulwiec@wisc.edu

Alexia Kulwiec's website

Tristan L'Ecuyer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: tlecuyer@wisc.edu

Tristan L'Ecuyer's website

James Lagro

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Urban and Regional Planning

Email: jalagro@wisc.edu

James Lagro's website

Richard Lankau

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: lankau@wisc.edu

Richard Lankau's website

Rebecca Larson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: rebecca.larson@wisc.edu

Rebecca Larson's website

Jessica LeClair

Can co-advise students

Position title: Clinical Instructor, Nursing

Email: jleclair2@wisc.edu

Maria Lepowsky

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: lepowsky@wisc.edu

Maria Lepowsky's website

Bernard Lesieutre

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Computer and Electrical Engineering

Email: lesieutre@wisc.edu

Bernard Lesieutre's website

Steven Loheide

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: loheide@wisc.edu

Steven Loheide's website

Jenna Loyd

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Geography

Email: jmloyd@wisc.edu

Jenna Loyd's website

Julie Mares

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor (retired), Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Email: jmarespe@wisc.edu

Julie Mares' website

Erika Marin-Spiotta

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: marinspiotta@wisc.edu

Erika Marin-Spiotta's website

Elizabeth Maroon

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: emaroon@wisc.edu

Elizabeth Maroon's website

Jonathan E. Martin

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: jemarti1@wisc.edu

Jonathan E. Martin's website

Katherine McMahon

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: tmcmahon@engr.wisc.edu

Katherine McMahon's website

Sarli Mercado

Can co-advise students

Position title: Senior Lecturer, Spanish and Portuguese

Email: smercado@wisc.edu

Sarli Mercado's website

Cathy Middlecamp

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Environmental Studies

Email: chmiddle@wisc.edu

Cathy Middlecamp's website

Paul Mitchell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cpdmitchell@wisc.edu

Paul Mitchell's website

Gregg Mitman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, History of Science, Medical History, and Environmental Studies

Email: gmitman@med.wisc.edu

Gregg Mitman's website

Alfonso Morales

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: morales1@wisc.edu

Alfonso Morales' website

Maria Moreno

Can co-advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty II, Environmental Health and the Built Environment

Email: maria.moreno@wisc.edu

Maria Moreno's website

Michael Morgan

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: mcmorgan@wisc.edu

Michael Morgan's website

Lisa Naughton

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: lnaughto@wisc.edu

Lisa Naughton's website

Gregory Nemet

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Public Affairs

Email: nemet@wisc.edu

Gregory Nemet's website

Missy Nergard

Can co-advise students

Position title: Director of Sustainability, Institutional, Office of Sustainability

Email: missy.nergard@wisc.edu

Missy Nergard's website

Larry Nesper

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Anthropology

Email: lnesper@wisc.edu

Larry Nesper's website

Todd Newman

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: tpnewman@wisc.edu

Todd Newman's website

Frederic Neyrat

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Comparative Literature

Email: neyrat@wisc.edu

Frederic Neyrat's website

Chuck Nicholson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Animal and Dairy Sciences and Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: cfnicholson@wisc.edu

Chuck Nicholson's website

James Nienhuis

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Horticulture

Email: nienhuis@wisc.edu

James Nienhuis' website

David Noyce

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Director, Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory

Email: noyce@engr.wisc.edu

David Noyce's website

Karen Oberhauser

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita and Director, UW Arboretum

Email: koberhauser@wisc.edu

Karen Oberhauser's website

Thomas Oliver

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Population Health Sciences

Email: troliver@wisc.edu

Thomas Oliver's website

John Orrock

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: jorrock@wisc.edu

John Orrock's website

Mario Ortiz-Robles

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, English

Email: mortizrobles@wisc.edu

Mario Ortiz-Robles' website

Tim Osswald

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering

Email: tosswald@wisc.edu

Tim Osswald's website

Mutlu Ozdogan

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies and Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: ozdogan@wisc.edu

Mutlu Ozdogan's website

Alberto Palloni

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Sociology

Email: palloni@ssc.wisc.edu

Alberto Palloni's website

Jae Park

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jkpark@wisc.edu

Jae Park's website

Dominic Parker

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: dominic.parker@wisc.edu

Dominic Parker's website

Dr. Jonathan Patz

Jonathan Patz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies and Medicine and Public Health

Email: patz@wisc.edu

Jonathan Patz's website

Kurt Paulsen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: kpaulsen@wisc.edu

Kurt Paulsen's website

Daniel Phaneuf

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: dphaneuf@wisc.edu

Daniel Phaneuf's website

Valentin Picasso Risso

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Agronomy

Email: picassorisso@wisc.edu

Valentin Picasso Risso's website

Anna Pidgeon

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: apidgeon@wisc.edu

Anna Pidgeon's website

Warren Porter

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Integrative Biology

Email: wpporter@wisc.edu

Warren Porter's website

Tim Portlock

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies and Art

Email: tportlock@wisc.edu

Tim Portlock's website

Kenneth Potter

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: kwpotter@facstaff.wisc.edu

Kenneth Potter's website

Kenneth Raffa

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Entomology

Email: raffa@entomology.wisc.edu

Kenneth Raffa's website

Jess Reed

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Animal Science

Email: jdreed@wisc.edu

Jess Reed's website

Douglas Reindl

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Engineering Professional Development

Email: dreindl@wisc.edu

Douglas Reindl's website

Douglas Reinemann

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: djreinem@wisc.edu

Douglas Reinemann's website

Mark Renz

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: mrenz@wisc.edu

Mark Renz's website

James Rink

Can co-advise students

Position title: Program Director, Manufacturing, Interdisciplinary Professional Programs, College of Engineering

Email: jrink@wisc.edu

James Rink's website

Sarah Rios

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: smrios@wisc.edu

Sarah Rios' website

Adena Rissman

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Email: arrissman@wisc.edu

Adena Rissman's website

Paul Robbins

Can advise students

Position title: Dean, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Professor, Environmental Studies and Geography

Email: dean@nelson.wisc.edu

Paul Robbins' website

Stephanie Robert

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Social Work

Email: sarobert@wisc.edu

Stephanie Robert's website

Morgan Robertson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: mmrobertson@wisc.edu

Morgan Robertson's website

Patrick Robinson

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Dean and Associate Professor, Division of Extension

Email: patrick.robinson@wisc.edu

Patrick Robinson's website

Joel Rogers

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Law, Political Science, Public Affairs, and Sociology

Email: jrogers@cows.org

Joel Rogers's website

David Rosenthal

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Rehab Psychology and Special Education

Email: mdrosenthal@education.wisc.edu

David Rosenthal's website

Matt Ruark

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Soil Science

Email: mdruark@wisc.edu

Matt Ruark's website

Troy Runge

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: trunge@wisc.edu

Troy Runge's website

Rosemary Russ

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction

Email: rruss@wisc.edu

Rosemary Russ' website

Jeffrey Russell

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: russell@engr.wisc.edu

Jeffrey Russell's website

Majid Sarmadi

Can co-advise students

Position title: Audrey Rothermel Bascom Professor Emeritus, Design Studies

Email: majidsar@wisc.edu

Majid Sarmadi's website

James Schauer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: jschauer@engr.wisc.edu

James Schauer's website

Dietram Scheufele

Can advise students

Position title: Professor and Chair, Life Sciences Communication

Email: scheufele@wisc.edu

Dietram Scheufele's website

Joan Schmit

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Risk Management and Insurance

Email: jschmit@bus.wisc.edu

Joan Schmit's website

Annemarie Schneider

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Studies; Chair, Environmental Observation and Informatics

Email: aschneider4@wisc.edu

Annemarie Schneider's website

Sean Schoville

Sean Schoville

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Entomology

Email: sean.schoville@wisc.edu

Sean Schoville's website

Sissel Schroeder

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: sissel.schroeder@wisc.edu

Sissel Schroeder's website

David Shaffer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Educational Psychology

Email: dws@education.wisc.edu

David Shaffer's website

Bret Shaw

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: brshaw@wisc.edu

Bret Shaw's website

Robin Shepard

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Life Sciences Communication

Email: robin.shepard@ces.uwex.edu

Robin Shepard's website

Janet Silbernagel

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emerita, Planning and Landscape Architecture

Email: jmsilber@wisc.edu

Janet Silbernagel's website

Erin Silva

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Plant Pathology

Email: emsilva@wisc.edu

Erin Silva's website

Kurt Sladky

Can co-advise students

Position title: Clinical Professor, Veterinary Medicine

Email: kurt.sladky@wisc.edu

Kurt Sladky's website

Amy Stambach

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: amy.stambach@wisc.edu

Amy Stambach's website

Emily Stanley

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: ehstanley@wisc.edu

Emily Stanley's website

Shawn Steffan

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Entomology

Email: steffan2@wisc.edu

Shawn Steffan's website

Andrew Stevens

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Agricultural and Applied Economics

Email: awstevens@wisc.edu

Andrew Stevens' website

Paul Stoy

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: pcstoy@wisc.edu

Paul Stoy's website

Richard Straub

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Biological Systems Engineering

Email: rjstraub@wisc.edu

Richard Straub's website

Robert Streiffer

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Philosophy and Bioethics

Email: rstreiffer@wisc.edu

Robert Streiffer's website

Karen Strier

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Anthropology

Email: kbstrier@wisc.edu

Karen Strier's website

Steph Tai

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Dean for Education and Faculty Affairs, Nelson Institute; Professor, Law

Email: tai2@wisc.edu

Steph Tai's website

Manuel Teodoro

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Public Affairs

Email: mteodoro@wisc.edu

Manuel Teodoro's website

Ann Terlaak

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Management and Human Resources

Email: ann.terlaak@wisc.edu

Ann Terlaak's website

Anita Thompson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Biological Systems Engineering; Chair, Water Resources Management

Email: amthompson2@wisc.edu

Anita Thompson's website

Christopher Timmins

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Real Estate and Urban Land Economics

Email: ctimmins@wisc.edu

Christopher Timmins's website

Bill Tracy

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Agronomy

Email: wftracy@wisc.edu

Bill Tracy's website

Adrian Treves

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Environmental Studies

Email: atreves@wisc.edu

Adrian Treves' website

Matt Turner

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: mturner2@wisc.edu

Matt Turner's website

Timothy Van Deelen

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology; Chair, Environmental Conservation

Email: trvandeelen@wisc.edu

Timothy Van Deelen's website

Lyn M. Van Swol

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Communication Arts

Email: vanswol@wisc.edu

Lyn M. Van Swol's website

Jake Vander Zanden

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Integrative Biology

Email: mjvanderzand@wisc.edu

Jake Vander Zanden's website

Alberto Vargas

Alberto Vargas

Can co-advise students

Position title: Associate Director, Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program

Email: avargasp@wisc.edu

Alberto Vargas' website

Daniel Vimont

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: dvimont@wisc.edu

Daniel Vimont's website

Till Wagner

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: till.wagner@wisc.edu

Till Wagner's website

Herb Wang

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Geoscience

Email: wang@geology.wisc.edu

Herb Wang's website

Pao-Kuan Wang

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Email: pao@windy.aos.wisc.edu

Pao-Kuan Wang's website

Yi Wang

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences

Email: wang52@wisc.edu

Yi Wang's website

Aja Watkins

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Email: aja.watkins@wisc.edu

Aja Watkins' website

Michel Wattiaux

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Dairy Systems Management

Email: wattiaux@wisc.edu

Michel Wattiaux's website

Monica White

Monica White

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Environmental Justice in Environmental Studies and Community and Environmental Sociology

Email: mmwhite3@wisc.edu

Monica White's website

Thea Whitman

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Soil Science

Email: twhitman@wisc.edu

Thea Whitman's website

John Williams

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: jww@geography.wisc.edu

John Williams's website

Paul Wilson

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics

Email: paul.wilson@wisc.edu

Paul Wilson's website

Catherine Woodward

Can co-advise students

Position title: Teaching Faculty, Botany

Email: cwoodwar@wisc.edu

Catherine Woodward's website

Keith Woodward

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: kwoodward@wisc.edu

Keith Woodward's website

Daniel Wright

Can advise students

Position title: Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Email: danielb.wright@wisc.edu

Daniel Wright's website

Daniel Young

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Entomology; Director, UW Insect Research Collection

Email: young@entomology.wisc.edu

Daniel Young's website

Christopher Zahasky

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Geoscience

Email: czahasky@wisc.edu

Christopher Zahasky's website

Paul Zedler

Can co-advise students

Position title: Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies

Email: phzedler@wisc.edu

A-Xing Zhu

Can advise students

Position title: Professor, Geography

Email: azhu@wisc.edu

A-Xing Zhu's website

Xia Zhu-Barker

Can advise students

Position title: Assistant Professor, Soil Science

Email: zhubarker@wisc.edu

Xia Zhu-Barker's website