Nelson Institute PhD candidate and Carnivore Coexistence Lab member, Naomi Louchouarn was recently featured on CBC Radio, where she discussed her research into the use of non-lethal wolf management methods on cattle ranches.
Louchouarn studies carnivore-human conflict and her experiment used remote camera systems to monitor predator activity near cattle grazing areas. She is also working cattle rancher Joe Engelhart, who is featured in the CBC Radio story, to study the impact of herding as a non-lethal method of wolf management. So far, her research indicates that specific herding methods effectively protect cattle.
“This radio story, produced by Molly Segal, perfectly encapsulates the context of human-wolf conflict in Alberta [Canada], and the work being done by Joe to improve livestock management in the area,” Louchouarn said. “Molly was also able to explain our experiment in a way that makes it clear, and accurately portrays our study. Our preliminary findings are that Joe’s method of herding works to keep predators from attacking cattle, and that it can be taught quickly and effectively. We hope to have a publication of our results soon.”