CPEP Seminar – FLUXNET-CH4 Synthesis Activity: Data-Driven Modeling of Wetland Methane Fluxes from Sites to The Globe

Speaker: Gavin McNicol, Assistant Professor, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois

The accelerating rise in atmospheric methane concentrations since 2014 is a puzzling and concerning trend. Wetlands represent the largest natural source of methane, but current model estimates remain very uncertain and prevent methane budget closure. Fortunately, the availability of surface methane flux data is also growing rapidly, and promises to improve our understanding of the role of biogenic sources, including wetlands, in the global methane budget.

McNicol will present data products and data-driven insights into wetland methane fluxes gained from the FLUXNET-CH4 synthesis activity. The talk will focus on projects to upscale methane fluxes from networks of wetland and rice paddy sites to the globe and will conclude with new activities for building more representative data and community in support of global methane science.

Hosted by the Climate, People and the Environment Program (CPEP).


Dec 6 2022


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

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Virtual (Zoom)