Corporate Sustainability Internship Program

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Corporate Sustainability Internship Program is a summer-long internship program that provides UW–Madison students with real-world sustainability experience in a corporate environment.

All student interns work on clearly defined corporate sustainability projects that include the evaluation of:

  • At least one quantifiable sustainability metric (e.g., gallons of water saved, kWh of electricity, tons waste reduced, etc.)
  • How the environmental sustainability project fits into a business framework (e.g., regulatory-driven, market research, process improvements, internal training materials, etc.)

Prior to starting their internships, all student interns will participate in a three-day sustainability and corporate culture bootcamp. This three-day experience will be run personally by the Office of Sustainability staff. Both professionalism and sustainability-related topics will be covered. After completing their internship for the summer, interns will come together for one day to share, discuss, and reflect on their internship experiences.

The Office of Sustainability serves the entire UW-Madison campus. Therefore, our program provides businesses the opportunity to access a broad talent pool of excellent undergraduate and graduate students from across the university. Our program manager will personally match corporate projects with students who possess the required skillsets. Interns are overseen by a mentor within their respective host organization, and the host organizations directly pay interns. In addition, selected interns are awarded a small scholarship from the university.

If you are a host organization or a UW–Madison student and would like more information about the program, please fill out and submit the inquiry form.

“I felt like a mini-expert”: Corporate Sustainability Internship Program is a Win-Win for Students and Wisconsin Businesses

Read a story about how the corporate sustainability internship program helps students find their niche while making valuable contributions to businesses.


Professor Andrea Hicks
Director of Sustainability Research and Education and Hanson Family Fellow in Sustainability
UW-Madison Office of Sustainability

Will Erikson
Academic Program Manager
UW-Madison Office of Sustainability

Our Corporate Partners

Alter Metal Recycling

C-Motive Technologies

Findorff construction

Lands' End

Madison Gas and Electric

Oshkosh Corporation
