Adding solar to on-campus facilities contributes to our institutional mission by offering a visible learning and research opportunity while demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.
Renewable and Alternative Energy Part 2
BadgerVoltaics: Agrivoltaics at UW–Madison’s Kegonsa Research Campus Solar and Agriculture Pilot Project
The pilot project will be a living and learning laboratory to further conversations about win-win opportunities to pair renewable energy and agricultural and ecosystem services research.
Renewable Natural Gas: A Case Study of Minnesota
Under ideal production conditions, the potential to make RNG from municipal solid waste, dairy and hog farm manure, and municipal wastewater solids in the state could replace less than 10 percent of Minnesota’s current use of conventional natural gas.
Roles for Nuclear Energy in Clean Energy Transitions
While there are clear opportunities for the expansion of wind and solar energy in many U.S. electricity markets, and especially in Wisconsin, there is growing evidence that deep decarbonization of our energy system will need to rely on a low-carbon electricity source that is available on demand.